Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ideas for short hair styles for a wedding?

I'm going to a wedding in two weeks with my new b/f. I really want to make an impression on everyone, since this will be the first time that I meet his friends, family, etc. (yikes!). I am 30 years old, and I have short hair (i.e., I can barely tuck the sides of my hair behind my ears, and the back is cut so that it is about the length of the bottom of my ears). My hair is very thin/fine, blonde, and naturally wavy/curly (with some layering). I also have bangs (about mid-forehead length), which I typically wear forward since I look funny (i.e., bad) with my hair pulled back from my face. Can anyone help me with some ideas of how I could do my hair so that it looks feminine, yet different from the way I do it every day?Ideas for short hair styles for a wedding?
Here are a couple things i found. I hope it helps.


I don't think your hair is this long but I think you should flip your hair out. It would be very cute and its a lilttle edgy.

http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9gnMiRFQrdGIZcA5VKjzbkF/SIG=1208gi8lq/EXP=1186501573/**http%3A//www.2hairstyles.com/images/short1.jpgIdeas for short hair styles for a wedding?
Go to a salon, I know, costly, but it'll work, and someone may even given you some ideas on how to wear your hair on a normal day.
its hard to say since we dont know exactly what your hair looks like, but I am thinking that a nice straightner to straighten your hair, and stick a cute little barrett in your hair. It will look adorable, but you wont look like your taking the lime light from the bride ;P something simple, and you. Have fun with it!

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