Thursday, January 26, 2012

Short hair style suggestions?

I start school tomorrow and am going to the hairdresser today. I have really short hair and need a good style. I am a junior in high school, so I don't want something like kiddish curls or anything. Please help me find a good style! Pictures would be appreciated with a description of how my hair could be.

My hair is around this length:

There doesn't seem like there is much I can do with it since it's so shortShort hair style suggestions?
mulletShort hair style suggestions?
well, i always think that short, styled hair already looks really nice without the need to dress it up. that photo for example looks really simple and stylish. if you feel you must do something then why not just add a simple head/ alice band over the top - not something kiddish though, just simple. or just add a few slip in clips and pin the fronts back, thats what i do with mine and then just alternate it by pinning it higher/ lower or opposite sides x x x
take it shorter in the back and spike it up

but leave the front longer

and keep it smooth

and if you like colors in your hair

you can put color in the back so when it spikes you

have spikes of color

i did this and it looked amazing

i had black hair with hot pink spikes in the back...

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