Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can you recomend a wedding hair style for someone with long curly hair that wants to wear their hair down?

I also have long curly hair and want it to be down for my wedding (August). I am going to have it pulled half back, with some bangs smoothed out and swept to the side in the front. It may sound silly, but my inspiration for this hairstyle is from Giselle in Enchanted, during the park scene... I just thought it was pretty and flattering and would make a nice wedding hairstyle. I'm also wearing a veil.

Good luck to you, and embrace those curls! :)

EDIT: To add pictures of the hairstyle I'm going for:>>Can you recomend a wedding hair style for someone with long curly hair that wants to wear their hair down?
I have long curly hair too, and I don't know about you, but mine is THICK. What I'm doing for my wedding is one of two things (I have two options, both pretty similar). I am either going to go to the hair salon and get them to make my already curly hair slighty less curly, with loose curls, (so you still get your hair done professionally). This way it still looked like me, but just slightly more glam. I have a gorgeous jewelled headband (very similar to this one> but just a different colour (browns and creams)) and that is it. Just the head band with the loose wavy curls. Or my other idea is the same as that one, but with a little bit of the top bit pinned up with some sparkles in it (either pin in pearls or gems or something). So a glam half up half down loose hair do. I am having a fairly formal garden wedding so will probably have to go with the second idea. Hope you find what your looking for. I'm sure you will look gorgeous. I think go shopping, find a hairpiece, clip, tiara - whatever suits your personality and dress and then go to your hairdresser, explain that you want loose curly hair and this hairpiece and they will be able to give you good ideas - its their job!

Good luck! You will look beautiful!Can you recomend a wedding hair style for someone with long curly hair that wants to wear their hair down?> here are a few on this site.> they have alot on this site.
You could do loose curls..

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